Class: highlight_regions


"Highlight regions with rectangle" data layer. Creates one (or more) continuous 2D rectangles that mark an entire interval, to the full height of the panel.

Each individual rectangle can be shown in full, or overlapping ones can be merged (eg, based on same category). The rectangles are generally drawn with partial transparency, and do not respond to mouse events: they are a useful highlight tool to draw attention to intervals that contain interesting variants.

This layer has several useful modes:

  1. Draw one or more specified rectangles as provided from: A. Hard-coded layout (layout.regions) B. Data fetched from a source (like intervals with start and end coordinates)- as specified in layout.fields
  2. Fetch data from an external source, and only render the intervals that match criteria


new highlight_regions()

Name Type Attributes Default Description
layout.color String | Array.<module:LocusZoom_DataLayers~ScalableParameter> <optional>

The fill color for each rectangle

layout.fill_opacity String | Array.<module:LocusZoom_DataLayers~ScalableParameter> <optional>

The opacity (0-1). We recommend partial transparency so that rectangles do not hide or interfere with adjacent elements.

layout.filters Array.<Object> <optional>

An array of filter entries specifying which intervals to draw annotations for.

layout.regions Array.<Object> <optional>

A hard-coded list of regions. If provided, takes precedence over data fetched from an external source.

layout.start_field String <optional>

The field to use for rectangle start x coordinate

layout.end_field String <optional>

The field to use for rectangle end x coordinate

layout.merge_field String <optional>

If two intervals overlap, they can be "merged" based on a field that identifies the category (eg, only rectangles of the same category will be merged). This field must be present in order to trigger merge behavior. This is applied after filters.



(static, constant) default_layout
