Source: layouts/index.js

 * Predefined layouts that describe how to draw common types of data, as well as what interactive features to use.
 *  Each plot contains multiple panels (rows), and each row can stack several kinds of data in layers
 *  (eg scatter plot and line of significance). Layouts provide the building blocks to provide interactive experiences
 *  and user-friendly tooltips for common kinds of genetic data.
 * Many of these layouts (like the standard association plot) assume that field names are the same as those provided
 *  in the UMich [portaldev API]( Although layouts can be used on many
 *  kinds of data, it is often less work to write an adapter that uses the same field names, rather than to modify
 *  every single reference to a field anywhere in the layout.
 * See the Layouts Tutorial for details on how to customize nested layouts.
 * @module LocusZoom_Layouts

import version from '../version';
import {deepCopy, merge} from '../helpers/layouts';

const LZ_SIG_THRESHOLD_LOGP = 7.301; // -log10(.05/1e6)

 * Tooltip Layouts
const standard_association_tooltip = {
    closable: true,
    show: { or: ['highlighted', 'selected'] },
    hide: { and: ['unhighlighted', 'unselected'] },
    html: `<strong>{{assoc:variant|htmlescape}}</strong><br>
        P Value: <strong>{{assoc:log_pvalue|logtoscinotation|htmlescape}}</strong><br>
        Ref. Allele: <strong>{{assoc:ref_allele|htmlescape}}</strong><br>
        {{#if lz_is_ld_refvar}}<strong>LD Reference Variant</strong>{{#else}}
        <a href="javascript:void(0);" 
        onclick="var data = this.parentNode.__data__;
                 >Make LD Reference</a>{{/if}}<br>`,

const standard_association_tooltip_with_label = function() {
    // Add a special "toggle label" button to the base tooltip. This must be used in tandem with a custom layout
    //   directive (label.filters should check a boolean annotation field called "lz_show_label").
    const base = deepCopy(standard_association_tooltip);
    base.html += `<a href="javascript:void(0);" 
                  onclick="var item = this.parentNode.__data__, layer = item.getDataLayer(); 
                  var current = layer.getElementAnnotation(item, 'lz_show_label'); 
                  layer.setElementAnnotation(item, 'lz_show_label', !current );
                  layer.parent_plot.applyState();">{{#if lz_show_label}}Hide{{#else}}Show{{/if}} label</a>`;
    return base;

const standard_genes_tooltip = {
    closable: true,
    show: { or: ['highlighted', 'selected'] },
    hide: { and: ['unhighlighted', 'unselected'] },
    html: '<h4><strong><i>{{gene_name|htmlescape}}</i></strong></h4>'
        + 'Gene ID: <a href="{{gene_id|htmlescape}}&db=core" target="_blank" rel="noopener">{{gene_id|htmlescape}}</a><br>'
        + 'Transcript ID: <strong>{{transcript_id|htmlescape}}</strong><br>'
        + '{{#if pLI}}<table>'
        + '<tr><th>Constraint</th><th>Expected variants</th><th>Observed variants</th><th>Const. Metric</th></tr>'
        + '<tr><td>Synonymous</td><td>{{exp_syn}}</td><td>{{obs_syn}}</td><td>z = {{syn_z}}<br>o/e = {{oe_syn}} ({{oe_syn_lower}} - {{oe_syn_upper}})</td></tr>'
        + '<tr><td>Missense</td><td>{{exp_mis}}</td><td>{{obs_mis}}</td><td>z = {{mis_z}}<br>o/e = {{oe_mis}} ({{oe_mis_lower}} - {{oe_mis_upper}})</td></tr>'
        + '<tr><td>pLoF</td><td>{{exp_lof}}</td><td>{{obs_lof}}</td><td>pLI = {{pLI}}<br>o/e = {{oe_lof}} ({{oe_lof_lower}} - {{oe_lof_upper}})</td></tr>'
        + '</table><br>{{/if}}'
        + '<a href="{{gene_id|htmlescape}}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">More data on gnomAD</a>',

const catalog_variant_tooltip = {
    closable: true,
    show: { or: ['highlighted', 'selected'] },
    hide: { and: ['unhighlighted', 'unselected'] },
    html: '<strong>{{catalog:variant|htmlescape}}</strong><br>'
        + 'Catalog entries: <strong>{{n_catalog_matches|htmlescape}}</strong><br>'
        + 'Top Trait: <strong>{{catalog:trait|htmlescape}}</strong><br>'
        + 'Top P Value: <strong>{{catalog:log_pvalue|logtoscinotation}}</strong><br>'
        // User note: if a different catalog is used, the tooltip will need to be replaced with a different link URL
        + 'More: <a href="{{catalog:rsid|htmlescape}}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">GWAS catalog</a> / <a href="{{catalog:rsid|htmlescape}}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">dbSNP</a>',

const coaccessibility_tooltip = {
    closable: true,
    show: { or: ['highlighted', 'selected'] },
    hide: { and: ['unhighlighted', 'unselected'] },
    // TODO: Is there a more generic terminology? (eg not every technique is in terms of cis-regulatory element)
    html: '<strong>Regulatory element</strong><br>' +
        '{{access:start1|htmlescape}}-{{access:end1|htmlescape}}<br>' +
        '<strong>Promoter</strong><br>' +
        '{{access:start2|htmlescape}}-{{access:end2|htmlescape}}<br>' +
        '{{#if access:target}}<strong>Target</strong>: {{access:target|htmlescape}}<br>{{/if}}' +
        '<strong>Score</strong>: {{access:score|htmlescape}}',

 * Data Layer Layouts: represent specific information given provided data.

 * A horizontal line of GWAS significance at the standard threshold of p=5e-8
 * @name significance
 * @type data_layer
const significance_layer = {
    id: 'significance',
    type: 'orthogonal_line',
    tag: 'significance',
    orientation: 'horizontal',

 * A simple curve representing the genetic recombination rate, drawn from the UM API
 * @name recomb_rate
 * @type data_layer
const recomb_rate_layer = {
    id: 'recombrate',
    namespace: { 'recomb': 'recomb' },
    data_operations: [
        { type: 'fetch', from: ['recomb'] },
    type: 'line',
    tag: 'recombination',
    z_index: 1,
    style: {
        'stroke': '#0000FF',
        'stroke-width': '1.5px',
    x_axis: {
        field: 'recomb:position',
    y_axis: {
        axis: 2,
        field: 'recomb:recomb_rate',
        floor: 0,
        ceiling: 100,

 * A scatter plot of GWAS association summary statistics, with preset field names matching the UM portaldev api
 * @name association_pvalues
 * @type data_layer
const association_pvalues_layer = {
    namespace: { 'assoc': 'assoc', 'ld': 'ld' },
    data_operations: [
            type: 'fetch',
            from: ['assoc', 'ld(assoc)'],
            type: 'left_match',
            name: 'assoc_plus_ld',
            requires: ['assoc', 'ld'],
            params: ['assoc:position', 'ld:position2'],  // FIXME: old LZ used position, because it was less sensitive to format. We'd like to match assoc:variant = ld:variant2, but not every assoc source provides variant data in the way we need. This would need to be fixed via special formatting adjustment later.
    id: 'associationpvalues',
    type: 'scatter',
    tag: 'association',
    id_field: 'assoc:variant',
    coalesce: {
        active: true,
    point_shape: [
            scale_function: 'if',
            field: 'lz_is_ld_refvar',
            parameters: {
                field_value: true,
                then: 'diamond',
            // Not every dataset will provide these params
            scale_function: 'effect_direction',
            parameters: {
                '+': 'triangle',
                '-': 'triangledown',
                // The scale function receives the entire datum object, so it needs to be told where to find individual fields
                beta_field: 'assoc:beta',
                stderr_beta_field: 'assoc:se',
    point_size: {
        scale_function: 'if',
        field: 'lz_is_ld_refvar',
        parameters: {
            field_value: true,
            then: 80,
            else: 40,
    color: [
            scale_function: 'if',
            field: 'lz_is_ld_refvar',
            parameters: {
                field_value: true,
                then: '#9632b8',
            scale_function: 'numerical_bin',
            field: 'ld:correlation',
            parameters: {
                breaks: [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8],
                // Derived from Google "Turbo" colormap, breakpoints [0.05, 0.25, 0.45, 0.65, 0.85]
                values: ['rgb(70, 54, 153)', 'rgb(38, 188, 225)', 'rgb(110, 254, 104)', 'rgb(248, 195, 42)', 'rgb(219, 61, 17)'],
    legend: [
        {  label: 'LD (r²)', label_size: 14 }, // We're omitting the refvar symbol for now, but can show it with // shape: 'diamond', color: '#9632b8'
            shape: 'ribbon',
            orientation: 'vertical',
            width: 10,
            height: 15,
            color_stops: ['rgb(70, 54, 153)', 'rgb(38, 188, 225)', 'rgb(110, 254, 104)', 'rgb(248, 195, 42)', 'rgb(219, 61, 17)'],
            tick_labels: [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0],
    label: null,
    z_index: 2,
    x_axis: {
        field: 'assoc:position',
    y_axis: {
        axis: 1,
        field: 'assoc:log_pvalue',
        floor: 0,
        upper_buffer: 0.10,
        min_extent: [0, 10],
    behaviors: {
        onmouseover: [
            { action: 'set', status: 'highlighted' },
        onmouseout: [
            { action: 'unset', status: 'highlighted' },
        onclick: [
            { action: 'toggle', status: 'selected', exclusive: true },
    tooltip: deepCopy(standard_association_tooltip),

 * An arc track that shows arcs representing chromatic coaccessibility
 * @name coaccessibility
 * @type data_layer
const coaccessibility_layer = {
    id: 'coaccessibility',
    type: 'arcs',
    tag: 'coaccessibility',
    namespace: { 'access': 'access' },
    data_operations: [
        { type: 'fetch', from: ['access'] },
    match: { send: 'access:target', receive: 'access:target' },
    // Note: in the datasets this was tested with, these fields together defined a unique loop. Other datasets might work differently and need a different ID.
    id_field: '{{access:start1}}_{{access:end1}}_{{access:start2}}_{{access:end2}}_{{access:score}}_{{access:target}}',
    filters: [
        { field: 'access:score', operator: '!=', value: null },
    color: [
            field: 'lz_is_match', // Special field name whose presence triggers custom rendering
            scale_function: 'if',
            parameters: {
                field_value: true,
                then: '#4285f4',
            field: 'lz_is_match', // Special field name whose presence triggers custom rendering
            scale_function: 'if',
            parameters: {
                field_value: false,
                then: '#EAE6E6',
            scale_function: 'ordinal_cycle',
            parameters: {
                values: ['#1f77b4', '#aec7e8', '#ff7f0e', '#ffbb78', '#2ca02c', '#98df8a', '#d62728', '#ff9896', '#9467bd', '#c5b0d5', '#8c564b', '#c49c94', '#e377c2', '#f7b6d2', '#7f7f7f', '#c7c7c7', '#bcbd22', '#dbdb8d', '#17becf', '#9edae5'], // Drawn from d3v3 "category20"
    x_axis: {
        field1: 'access:start1',
        field2: 'access:start2',
    y_axis: {
        axis: 1,
        field: 'access:score',
        upper_buffer: 0.1,
        min_extent: [0, 1],
    behaviors: {
        onmouseover: [
            { action: 'set', status: 'highlighted' },
        onmouseout: [
            { action: 'unset', status: 'highlighted' },
        onclick: [
            { action: 'toggle', status: 'selected', exclusive: true },
    tooltip: deepCopy(coaccessibility_tooltip),

 * A scatter plot of GWAS summary statistics, with additional tooltip fields showing GWAS catalog annotations
 * @name association_pvalues_catalog
 * @type data_layer
const association_pvalues_catalog_layer = function () {
    // Slightly modify an existing layout
    let base = deepCopy(association_pvalues_layer);
    base = merge({ id: 'associationpvaluescatalog', fill_opacity: 0.7 }, base);

        type: 'assoc_to_gwas_catalog',
        name: 'assoc_catalog',
        requires: ['assoc_plus_ld', 'catalog'],
        params: ['assoc:position', 'catalog:pos', 'catalog:log_pvalue'],

    base.tooltip.html += '{{#if catalog:rsid}}<br><a href="{{catalog:rsid|htmlescape}}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">See hits in GWAS catalog</a>{{/if}}';
    base.namespace.catalog = 'catalog';
    return base;

 * A scatter plot of PheWAS pvalues, with preset field names matching the UM Portaldev API
 * @name phewas_pvalues
 * @type data_layer
const phewas_pvalues_layer = {
    id: 'phewaspvalues',
    type: 'category_scatter',
    tag: 'phewas',
    namespace: { 'phewas': 'phewas' },
    data_operations: [
        { type: 'fetch', from: ['phewas'] },
    point_shape: [
            scale_function: 'effect_direction',
            parameters: {
                '+': 'triangle',
                '-': 'triangledown',
                // The scale function receives the entire datum object, so it needs to be told where to find individual fields
                beta_field: 'phewas:beta',
                stderr_beta_field: 'phewas:se',
    point_size: 70,
    tooltip_positioning: 'vertical',
    id_field: '{{phewas:trait_group}}_{{phewas:trait_label}}',
    x_axis: {
        field: 'lz_auto_x', // Automatically added by the category_scatter layer
        category_field: 'phewas:trait_group',
        lower_buffer: 0.025,
        upper_buffer: 0.025,
    y_axis: {
        axis: 1,
        field: 'phewas:log_pvalue',
        floor: 0,
        upper_buffer: 0.15,
    color: [{
        field: 'phewas:trait_group',
        scale_function: 'categorical_bin',
        parameters: {
            categories: [],
            values: [],
            null_value: '#B8B8B8',
    fill_opacity: 0.7,
    tooltip: {
        closable: true,
        show: { or: ['highlighted', 'selected'] },
        hide: { and: ['unhighlighted', 'unselected'] },
        html: `<strong>Trait:</strong> {{phewas:trait_label|htmlescape}}<br>
<strong>Trait Category:</strong> {{phewas:trait_group|htmlescape}}<br>
<strong>P-value:</strong> {{phewas:log_pvalue|logtoscinotation|htmlescape}}
{{#if phewas:beta|is_numeric}}<br><strong>&beta;:</strong> {{phewas:beta|scinotation|htmlescape}}<br>{{/if}}
{{#if phewas:se|is_numeric}}<strong>SE (&beta;):</strong> {{phewas:se|scinotation|htmlescape}}{{/if}}`,
    behaviors: {
        onmouseover: [
            { action: 'set', status: 'highlighted' },
        onmouseout: [
            { action: 'unset', status: 'highlighted' },
        onclick: [
            { action: 'toggle', status: 'selected', exclusive: true },
    label: {
        text: '{{phewas:trait_label}}',
        spacing: 6,
        lines: {
            style: {
                'stroke-width': '2px',
                'stroke': '#333333',
                'stroke-dasharray': '2px 2px',
        filters: [
                field: 'phewas:log_pvalue',
                operator: '>=',
                value: 20,
        style: {
            'font-size': '14px',
            'font-weight': 'bold',
            'fill': '#333333',

 * Shows genes in the specified region, with names and formats drawn from the UM Portaldev API and GENCODE datasource
 * @type data_layer
const genes_layer = {
    namespace: { 'gene': 'gene', 'constraint': 'constraint' },
    data_operations: [
            type: 'fetch',
            from: ['gene', 'constraint(gene)'],
            name: 'gene_constraint',
            type: 'genes_to_gnomad_constraint',
            requires: ['gene', 'constraint'],
    id: 'genes',
    type: 'genes',
    tag: 'genes',
    id_field: 'gene_id',
    behaviors: {
        onmouseover: [
            { action: 'set', status: 'highlighted' },
        onmouseout: [
            { action: 'unset', status: 'highlighted' },
        onclick: [
            { action: 'toggle', status: 'selected', exclusive: true },
    tooltip: deepCopy(standard_genes_tooltip),

 * A genes data layer that uses filters to limit what information is shown by default. This layer hides a curated
 *  list of  GENCODE gene_types that are of less interest to most analysts.
 * Often used in tandem with a panel-level toolbar "show all" button so that the user can toggle to a full view.
 * @name genes_filtered
 * @type data_layer
const genes_layer_filtered = merge({
    filters: [
            field: 'gene_type',
            operator: 'in',
            // A manually curated subset of Gencode biotypes, based on user suggestions
            //  See full list:
            // This is approximately intended to cover elements of generally known function, and exclude things
            //  like pseudogenes.
            value: [
                'IG_C_gene', 'IG_D_gene', 'IG_J_gene', 'IG_V_gene',
                'TR_C_gene', 'TR_D_gene', 'TR_J_gene', 'TR_V_gene',
                'Mt_rRNA', 'Mt_tRNA',
}, deepCopy(genes_layer));

 * An annotation / rug track that shows tick marks for each position in which a variant is present in the provided
 *  association data, *and* has a significant claim in the EBI GWAS catalog.
 * @type data_layer
const annotation_catalog_layer = {
    // Identify GWAS hits that are present in the GWAS catalog
    namespace: { 'assoc': 'assoc', 'catalog': 'catalog' },
    data_operations: [
            type: 'fetch', from: ['assoc', 'catalog'],
            type: 'assoc_to_gwas_catalog',
            name: 'assoc_plus_ld',
            requires: ['assoc', 'catalog'],
            params: ['assoc:position', 'catalog:pos', 'catalog:log_pvalue'],
    id: 'annotation_catalog',
    type: 'annotation_track',
    tag: 'gwascatalog',
    id_field: 'assoc:variant',
    x_axis: {
        field: 'assoc:position',
    color: '#0000CC',
    filters: [
        // Specify which points to show on the track. Any selection must satisfy ALL filters
        { field: 'catalog:rsid', operator: '!=', value: null },
        { field: 'catalog:log_pvalue', operator: '>', value: LZ_SIG_THRESHOLD_LOGP },
    behaviors: {
        onmouseover: [
            { action: 'set', status: 'highlighted' },
        onmouseout: [
            { action: 'unset', status: 'highlighted' },
        onclick: [
            { action: 'toggle', status: 'selected', exclusive: true },
    tooltip: deepCopy(catalog_variant_tooltip),
    tooltip_positioning: 'top',

 * Individual toolbar buttons

 * A dropdown menu that can be used to control the LD population used with the LDServer Adapter. Population
 *  names are provided for the 1000G dataset that is used by the offical UM LD Server.
 * @name ldlz2_pop_selector
 * @type toolbar_widgets
const ldlz2_pop_selector_menu = {
    // **Note**: this widget is aimed at the LDServer datasource, and the UM 1000G LDServer
    type: 'set_state',
    tag: 'ld_population',
    position: 'right',
    color: 'blue',
    button_html: 'LD Population: ',
    show_selected: true,
    button_title: 'Select LD Population: ',
    custom_event_name: 'widget_set_ldpop',
    state_field: 'ld_pop',
    // This list below is hardcoded to work with the UMich LDServer, default 1000G populations
    //  It can be customized to work with other LD servers that specify population differently
    options: [
        { display_name: 'ALL (default)', value: 'ALL' },
        { display_name: 'AFR', value: 'AFR' },
        { display_name: 'AMR', value: 'AMR' },
        { display_name: 'EAS', value: 'EAS' },
        { display_name: 'EUR', value: 'EUR' },
        { display_name: 'SAS', value: 'SAS' },

 * A dropdown menu that selects which types of genes to show in the plot. The provided options are curated sets of
 *   interesting gene types based on the GENCODE dataset.
 * @type toolbar_widgets
const gene_selector_menu = {
    type: 'display_options',
    tag: 'gene_filter',
    custom_event_name: 'widget_gene_filter_choice',
    position: 'right',
    color: 'blue',
    // Below: special config specific to this widget
    button_html: 'Filter...',
    button_title: 'Choose which genes to show',
    layer_name: 'genes',
    default_config_display_name: 'Coding genes & rRNA',
    options: [
            display_name: 'All features',
            display: {
                filters: null,

 * Toolbar Layouts: Collections of toolbar buttons etc

 * Basic options to remove and reorder panels
 * @name standard_panel
 * @type toolbar
const standard_panel_toolbar = {
    widgets: [
            type: 'remove_panel',
            position: 'right',
            color: 'red',
            group_position: 'end',
            type: 'move_panel_up',
            position: 'right',
            group_position: 'middle',
            type: 'move_panel_down',
            position: 'right',
            group_position: 'start',
            style: { 'margin-left': '0.75em' },

 * A simple plot toolbar with buttons to download as image
 * @name standard_plot
 * @type toolbar
const standard_plot_toolbar = {
    // Suitable for most any type of plot drawn with LZ. Title and download buttons.
    widgets: [
            type: 'title',
            title: 'LocusZoom',
            subtitle: `<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">v${version}</a>`,
            position: 'left',
            type: 'download',
            position: 'right',
            group_position: 'end',
            type: 'download_png',
            position: 'right',
            group_position: 'start',

 * A plot toolbar that adds a button for controlling LD population. This is useful for plots intended to show
 *  GWAS summary stats, which is one of the most common usages of LocusZoom.
 * @type toolbar
const standard_association_toolbar = function () {
    // Suitable for association plots (adds a button for LD data)
    const base = deepCopy(standard_plot_toolbar);
    return base;

 * A basic plot toolbar with buttons to scroll sideways or zoom in. Useful for all region-based plots.
 * @name region_nav_plot
 * @type toolbar
const region_nav_plot_toolbar = function () {
    // Generic region nav buttons
    const base = deepCopy(standard_plot_toolbar);
            type: 'shift_region',
            step: 500000,
            button_html: '>>',
            position: 'right',
            group_position: 'end',
        }, {
            type: 'shift_region',
            step: 50000,
            button_html: '>',
            position: 'right',
            group_position: 'middle',
            type: 'zoom_region',
            step: 0.2,
            position: 'right',
            group_position: 'middle',
            type: 'zoom_region',
            step: -0.2,
            position: 'right',
            group_position: 'middle',
            type: 'shift_region',
            step: -50000,
            button_html: '<',
            position: 'right',
            group_position: 'middle',
            type: 'shift_region',
            step: -500000,
            button_html: '<<',
            position: 'right',
            group_position: 'start',
    return base;

 * Panel Layouts

 * A panel that describes the most common kind of LocusZoom plot, with line of GWAS significance, recombination rate,
 *  and a scatter plot superimposed.
 * @name association
 * @type panel
const association_panel = {
    id: 'association',
    tag: 'association',
    min_height: 200,
    height: 300,
    margin: { top: 35, right: 55, bottom: 40, left: 70 },
    inner_border: 'rgb(210, 210, 210)',
    toolbar: (function () {
        const base = deepCopy(standard_panel_toolbar);
            type: 'toggle_legend',
            position: 'right',
        return base;
    axes: {
        x: {
            label: 'Chromosome {{chr}} (Mb)',
            label_offset: 38,
            tick_format: 'region',
            extent: 'state',
        y1: {
            label: '-log10 p-value',
            label_offset: 50,
        y2: {
            label: 'Recombination Rate (cM/Mb)',
            label_offset: 46,
    legend: {
        orientation: 'vertical',
        origin: { x: 75, y: 40 },
        hidden: true,
    interaction: {
        drag_background_to_pan: true,
        drag_x_ticks_to_scale: true,
        drag_y1_ticks_to_scale: true,
        drag_y2_ticks_to_scale: true,
        scroll_to_zoom: true,
        x_linked: true,
    data_layers: [

 * A panel showing chromatin coaccessibility arcs with some common display options
 * @type panel
const coaccessibility_panel = {
    id: 'coaccessibility',
    tag: 'coaccessibility',
    min_height: 150,
    height: 180,
    margin: { top: 35, right: 55, bottom: 40, left: 70 },
    inner_border: 'rgb(210, 210, 210)',
    toolbar: deepCopy(standard_panel_toolbar),
    axes: {
        x: {
            label: 'Chromosome {{chr}} (Mb)',
            label_offset: 38,
            tick_format: 'region',
            extent: 'state',
        y1: {
            label: 'Score',
            label_offset: 40,
            render: false,  // We are mainly concerned with the relative magnitudes: hide y axis to avoid clutter.
    interaction: {
        drag_background_to_pan: true,
        drag_x_ticks_to_scale: true,
        drag_y1_ticks_to_scale: true,
        scroll_to_zoom: true,
        x_linked: true,
    data_layers: [

 * A panel showing GWAS summary statistics, plus annotations for connecting it to the EBI GWAS catalog
 * @type panel
const association_catalog_panel = function () {
    let base = deepCopy(association_panel);
    base = merge({
        id: 'associationcatalog',
    }, base);

        type: 'display_options',
        position: 'right',
        color: 'blue',
        // Below: special config specific to this widget
        button_html: 'Display options...',
        button_title: 'Control how plot items are displayed',

        layer_name: 'associationpvaluescatalog',
        default_config_display_name: 'No catalog labels (default)', // display name for the default plot color option (allow user to revert to plot defaults)

        options: [
                // First dropdown menu item
                display_name: 'Label catalog traits',  // Human readable representation of field name
                display: {  // Specify layout directives that control display of the plot for this option
                    label: {
                        text: '{{catalog:trait}}',
                        spacing: 6,
                        lines: {
                            style: {
                                'stroke-width': '2px',
                                'stroke': '#333333',
                                'stroke-dasharray': '2px 2px',
                        filters: [
                            // Only label points if they are significant for some trait in the catalog, AND in high LD
                            //  with the top hit of interest
                            { field: 'catalog:trait', operator: '!=', value: null },
                            { field: 'catalog:log_pvalue', operator: '>', value: LZ_SIG_THRESHOLD_LOGP },
                            { field: 'ld:correlation', operator: '>', value: 0.4 },
                        style: {
                            'font-size': '12px',
                            'font-weight': 'bold',
                            'fill': '#333333',
    base.data_layers = [
    return base;

 * A panel showing genes in the specified region. This panel lets the user choose which genes are shown.
 * @type panel
const genes_panel = {
    id: 'genes',
    tag: 'genes',
    min_height: 150,
    height: 225,
    margin: { top: 20, right: 55, bottom: 20, left: 70 },
    axes: {},
    interaction: {
        drag_background_to_pan: true,
        scroll_to_zoom: true,
        x_linked: true,
    toolbar: (function () {
        const base = deepCopy(standard_panel_toolbar);
                type: 'resize_to_data',
                position: 'right',
                button_html: 'Resize',
        return base;
    data_layers: [

 * A panel that displays PheWAS scatter plots and automatically generates a color scheme
 * @type panel
const phewas_panel = {
    id: 'phewas',
    tag: 'phewas',
    min_height: 300,
    height: 300,
    margin: { top: 20, right: 55, bottom: 120, left: 70 },
    inner_border: 'rgb(210, 210, 210)',
    axes: {
        x: {
            ticks: {  // Object based config (shared defaults; allow layers to specify ticks)
                style: {
                    'font-weight': 'bold',
                    'font-size': '11px',
                    'text-anchor': 'start',
                transform: 'rotate(50)',
                position: 'left',  // Special param recognized by `category_scatter` layers
        y1: {
            label: '-log10 p-value',
            label_offset: 50,
    data_layers: [

 * A panel that shows a simple annotation track connecting GWAS results
 * @name annotation_catalog
 * @type panel
const annotation_catalog_panel = {
    id: 'annotationcatalog',
    tag: 'gwascatalog',
    min_height: 50,
    height: 50,
    margin: { top: 25, right: 55, bottom: 10, left: 70 },
    inner_border: 'rgb(210, 210, 210)',
    toolbar: deepCopy(standard_panel_toolbar),
    axes: {
        x: { extent: 'state', render: false },
    interaction: {
        drag_background_to_pan: true,
        scroll_to_zoom: true,
        x_linked: true,
    data_layers: [

 * Plot Layouts

 * Describes how to fetch and draw each part of the most common LocusZoom plot (with field names that reference the portaldev API)
 * @name standard_association
 * @type plot
const standard_association_plot = {
    state: {},
    width: 800,
    responsive_resize: true,
    min_region_scale: 20000,
    max_region_scale: 1000000,
    toolbar: standard_association_toolbar,
    panels: [

 * A modified version of the standard LocusZoom plot, which adds a track that shows which SNPs in the plot also have claims in the EBI GWAS catalog.
 * @name association_catalog
 * @type plot
const association_catalog_plot = {
    state: {},
    width: 800,
    responsive_resize: true,
    min_region_scale: 20000,
    max_region_scale: 1000000,
    toolbar: standard_association_toolbar,
    panels: [

 * A PheWAS scatter plot with an additional track showing nearby genes, to put the region in biological context.
 * @name standard_phewas
 * @type plot
const standard_phewas_plot = {
    width: 800,
    responsive_resize: true,
    toolbar: standard_plot_toolbar,
    panels: [
            height: 300,
            margin: { bottom: 40 },
            axes: {
                x: {
                    label: 'Chromosome {{chr}} (Mb)',
                    label_offset: 38,
                    tick_format: 'region',
                    extent: 'state',
        }, deepCopy(genes_panel)),
    mouse_guide: false,

 * Show chromatin coaccessibility arcs, with additional features that connect these arcs to nearby genes to show regulatory interactions.
 * @name coaccessibility
 * @type plot
const coaccessibility_plot = {
    state: {},
    width: 800,
    responsive_resize: true,
    min_region_scale: 20000,
    max_region_scale: 1000000,
    toolbar: deepCopy(standard_plot_toolbar),
    panels: [
        function () {
            // Take the default genes panel, and add a custom feature to highlight gene tracks based on short name
            // This is a companion to the "match" directive in the coaccessibility panel
            const base = Object.assign(
                { height: 270 },
            const layer = base.data_layers[0];
            layer.match = { send: 'gene_name', receive: 'gene_name' };
            const color_config = [
                    field: 'lz_is_match', // Special field name whose presence triggers custom rendering
                    scale_function: 'if',
                    parameters: {
                        field_value: true,
                        then: '#4285f4',
                    field: 'lz_is_match', // Special field name whose presence triggers custom rendering
                    scale_function: 'if',
                    parameters: {
                        field_value: false,
                        then: '#EAE6E6',
            layer.color = color_config;
            layer.stroke = color_config;
            return base;

export const tooltip = {
    standard_association: standard_association_tooltip,
    standard_association_with_label: standard_association_tooltip_with_label,
    standard_genes: standard_genes_tooltip,
    catalog_variant: catalog_variant_tooltip,
    coaccessibility: coaccessibility_tooltip,

export const toolbar_widgets = {
    ldlz2_pop_selector: ldlz2_pop_selector_menu,

export const toolbar = {
    standard_panel: standard_panel_toolbar,
    standard_plot: standard_plot_toolbar,
    standard_association: standard_association_toolbar,
    region_nav_plot: region_nav_plot_toolbar,

export const data_layer = {
    significance: significance_layer,
    recomb_rate: recomb_rate_layer,
    association_pvalues: association_pvalues_layer,
    coaccessibility: coaccessibility_layer,
    association_pvalues_catalog: association_pvalues_catalog_layer,
    phewas_pvalues: phewas_pvalues_layer,
    genes: genes_layer,
    genes_filtered: genes_layer_filtered,
    annotation_catalog: annotation_catalog_layer,

export const panel = {
    association: association_panel,
    coaccessibility: coaccessibility_panel,
    association_catalog: association_catalog_panel,
    genes: genes_panel,
    phewas: phewas_panel,
    annotation_catalog: annotation_catalog_panel,

export const plot = {
    standard_association: standard_association_plot,
    association_catalog: association_catalog_plot,
    standard_phewas: standard_phewas_plot,
    coaccessibility: coaccessibility_plot,