* Plugin registry of available functions that can be used in scalable layout directives.
* These "scale functions" are used during rendering to return output (eg color) based on input value
* @module LocusZoom_ScaleFunctions
* @see {@link module:LocusZoom_DataLayers~ScalableParameter} for details on how scale functions are used by datalayers
import * as d3 from 'd3';
* Basic conditional function to evaluate the value of the input field and return based on equality.
* @alias module:LocusZoom_ScaleFunctions~if
* @param {Object} parameters
* @param {*} parameters.field_value The value against which to test the input value.
* @param {*} parameters.then The value to return if the input value matches the field value
* @param {*} parameters.else The value to return if the input value does not match the field value. Optional. If not
* defined this scale function will return null (or value of null_value parameter, if defined) when input value fails
* to match field_value.
* @param {*} value value
const if_value = (parameters, value) => {
if (typeof value == 'undefined' || parameters.field_value !== value) {
if (typeof parameters.else != 'undefined') {
return parameters.else;
} else {
return null;
} else {
return parameters.then;
* Function to sort numerical values into bins based on numerical break points. Will only operate on numbers and
* return null (or value of null_value parameter, if defined) if provided a non-numeric input value. Parameters:
* @function numerical_bin
* @param {Object} parameters
* @param {Number[]} parameters.breaks Array of numerical break points against which to evaluate the input value.
* Must be of equal length to values parameter. If the input value is greater than or equal to break n and less than
* or equal to break n+1 (or break n+1 doesn't exist) then returned value is the nth entry in the values parameter.
* @param {Array} parameters.values Array of values to return given evaluations against break points. Must be of
* equal length to breaks parameter. Each entry n represents the value to return if the input value is greater than
* or equal to break n and less than or equal to break n+1 (or break n+1 doesn't exist).
* @param {*} parameters.null_value
* @param {*} value value
* @returns {*}
const numerical_bin = (parameters, value) => {
const breaks = parameters.breaks || [];
const values = parameters.values || [];
if (typeof value == 'undefined' || value === null || isNaN(+value)) {
return (parameters.null_value ? parameters.null_value : null);
const threshold = breaks.reduce(function (prev, curr) {
if (+value < prev || (+value >= prev && +value < curr)) {
return prev;
} else {
return curr;
return values[breaks.indexOf(threshold)];
* Function to sort values of any type into bins based on direct equality testing with a list of categories.
* Will return null if provided an input value that does not match to a listed category.
* @function categorical_bin
* @param {Object} parameters
* @param {Array} parameters.categories Array of values against which to evaluate the input value. Must be of equal
* length to values parameter. If the input value is equal to category n then returned value is the nth entry in the
* values parameter.
* @param {Array} parameters.values Array of values to return given evaluations against categories. Must be of equal
* length to categories parameter. Each entry n represents the value to return if the input value is equal to the nth
* value in the categories parameter.
* @param {*} parameters.null_value Value to return if the input value fails to match to any categories. Optional.
const categorical_bin = (parameters, value) => {
if (typeof value == 'undefined' || !parameters.categories.includes(value)) {
return (parameters.null_value ? parameters.null_value : null);
} else {
return parameters.values[parameters.categories.indexOf(value)];
* Cycle through a set of options, so that the each element in a set of data receives a value different than the
* element before it. For example: "use this palette of 10 colors to visually distinguish 100 adjacent items"
* This is useful when ADJACENT items must be guaranteed to yield a different result, but it leads to unstable color
* choices if the user pans to a region with a different number/order of items. (the same item is assigned a different color)
* See also: stable_choice.
* @function ordinal_cycle
* @param {Object} parameters
* @param {Array} parameters.values A list of option values
* @return {*}
const ordinal_cycle = (parameters, value, index) => {
const options = parameters.values;
return options[index % options.length];
* A scale function that auto-chooses something (like color) from a preset scheme, and makes the same choice every
* time given the same value, regardless of ordering or what other data is in the region
* This is useful when categories must be stable (same color, every time). But sometimes it will assign adjacent values
* the same color due to hash collisions.
* For performance reasons, this is memoized once per instance. Eg, each scalable color parameter has its own cache.
* This function is therefore slightly less amenable to layout mutations like "changing the options after scaling
* function is used", but this is not expected to be a common use case.
* CAVEAT: Some datasets do not return true datum ids, but instead append synthetic ID fields ("item 1, item2"...)
* just to appease D3. This hash function only works if there is a meaningful, stable identifier in the data,
* like a category or gene name.
* @function stable_choice
* @param parameters
* @param {Array} [parameters.values] A list of options to choose from
* @param {Number} [parameters.max_cache_size=500] The maximum number of values to cache. This option is mostly used
* for unit testing, because stable choice is intended for datasets with a relatively limited number of
* discrete categories.
* @param value
* @param index
let stable_choice = (parameters, value, index) => {
// Each place the function gets used has its own parameters object. This function thus memoizes per usage
// ("association - point color - directive 1") rather than globally ("all properties/panels")
const cache = parameters._cache = parameters._cache || new Map();
const max_cache_size = parameters.max_cache_size || 500;
if (cache.size >= max_cache_size) {
// Prevent cache from growing out of control (eg as user moves between regions a lot)
if (cache.has(value)) {
return cache.get(value);
// Simple JS hashcode implementation, from:
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7616461/generate-a-hash-from-string-in-javascript
let hash = 0;
value = String(value);
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
let chr = value.charCodeAt(i);
hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + chr;
hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer
// Convert signed 32 bit integer to be within the range of options allowed
const options = parameters.values;
const result = options[Math.abs(hash) % options.length];
cache.set(value, result);
return result;
* Function for continuous interpolation of numerical values along a gradient with arbitrarily many break points.
* @function interpolate
* @parameters {Object} parameters
* @parameters {Number[]} parameters.breaks Array of numerical break points against which to evaluate the input value.
* Must be of equal length to values parameter and contain at least two elements. Input value will be evaluated for
* relative position between two break points n and n+1 and the returned value will be interpolated at a relative
* position between values n and n+1.
* @parameters {*[]} parameters.values Array of values to interpolate and return given evaluations against break
* points. Must be of equal length to breaks parameter and contain at least two elements. Each entry n represents
* the value to return if the input value matches the nth entry in breaks exactly. Note that this scale function
* uses d3.interpolate to provide for effective interpolation of many different value types, including numbers,
* colors, shapes, etc.
* @parameters {*} parameters.null_value
const interpolate = (parameters, value) => {
var breaks = parameters.breaks || [];
var values = parameters.values || [];
var nullval = (parameters.null_value ? parameters.null_value : null);
if (breaks.length < 2 || breaks.length !== values.length) {
return nullval;
if (typeof value == 'undefined' || value === null || isNaN(+value)) {
return nullval;
if (+value <= parameters.breaks[0]) {
return values[0];
} else if (+value >= parameters.breaks[parameters.breaks.length - 1]) {
return values[breaks.length - 1];
} else {
var upper_idx = null;
breaks.forEach(function (brk, idx) {
if (!idx) {
if (breaks[idx - 1] <= +value && breaks[idx] >= +value) {
upper_idx = idx;
if (upper_idx === null) {
return nullval;
const normalized_input = (+value - breaks[upper_idx - 1]) / (breaks[upper_idx] - breaks[upper_idx - 1]);
if (!isFinite(normalized_input)) {
return nullval;
return d3.interpolate(values[upper_idx - 1], values[upper_idx])(normalized_input);
* Calculate the effect direction based on beta, or the combination of beta and standard error.
* Typically used with phewas plots, to show point shape based on the beta and stderr_beta fields.
* @function effect_direction
* @param parameters
* @param parameters.'+' The value to return if the effect direction is positive
* @param parameters.'-' The value to return if the effect direction is positive
* @param parameters.beta_field The name of the field containing beta
* @param parameters.stderr_beta_field The name of the field containing stderr_beta
* @param {Object} input This function should receive the entire datum object, rather than one single field
* @returns {null}
function effect_direction(parameters, input) {
if (input === undefined) {
return null;
const { beta_field, stderr_beta_field, '+': plus_result = null, '-': neg_result = null } = parameters;
if (!beta_field || !stderr_beta_field) {
throw new Error(`effect_direction must specify how to find required 'beta' and 'stderr_beta' fields`);
const beta_val = input[beta_field];
const se_val = input[stderr_beta_field];
if (beta_val !== undefined) {
if (se_val !== undefined) {
if ((beta_val - 1.96 * se_val) > 0) {
return plus_result;
} else if ((beta_val + 1.96 * se_val) < 0) {
return neg_result || null;
} else {
if (beta_val > 0) {
return plus_result;
} else if (beta_val < 0) {
return neg_result;
// Note: The original PheWeb implementation allowed odds ratio in place of beta/se. LZ core is a bit more rigid
// about expected data formats for layouts.
return null;
export { categorical_bin, stable_choice, if_value, interpolate, numerical_bin, ordinal_cycle, effect_direction };