Source: helpers/layouts.js

 * Utilities for modifying or working with layout objects
 * @module
 * @private
import * as d3 from 'd3';

import {mutate, query} from './jsonpath';

const sqrt3 = Math.sqrt(3);
// D3 v5 does not provide a triangle down symbol shape, but it is very useful for showing direction of effect.
//  Modified from
const triangledown = {
    draw(context, size) {
        const y = -Math.sqrt(size / (sqrt3 * 3));
        context.moveTo(0, -y * 2);
        context.lineTo(-sqrt3 * y, y);
        context.lineTo(sqrt3 * y, y);

 * Apply shared namespaces to a layout, recursively.
 * Overriding namespaces can be used to identify where to retrieve data from, but not to add new data sources to a layout.
 *   For that, a key would have to be added to `layout.namespace` directly.
 * Detail: This function is a bit magical. Whereas most layouts overrides are copied over verbatim (merging objects and nested keys), applyNamespaces will *only* copy
 *  over keys that are relevant to that data layer. Eg, if overrides specifies a key called "red_herring",
 *  an association data layer will ignore that data source entirely, and not copy it into `assoc_layer.namespace`.
 * Only items under a key called `namespace` are given this special treatment. This allows a single call to `Layouts.get('plot'...)` to specify
 *   namespace overrides for many layers in one convenient place, without accidentally telling every layer to request all possible data for itself.
 * @private
function applyNamespaces(layout, shared_namespaces) {
    shared_namespaces = shared_namespaces || {};
    if (!layout || typeof layout !== 'object' || typeof shared_namespaces !== 'object') {
        throw new Error('Layout and shared namespaces must be provided as objects');

    for (let [field_name, item] of Object.entries(layout)) {
        if (field_name === 'namespace') {
            Object.keys(item).forEach((requested_ns) => {
                const override = shared_namespaces[requested_ns];
                if (override) {
                    item[requested_ns] = override;
        } else if (item !== null && (typeof item === 'object')) {
            layout[field_name] = applyNamespaces(item, shared_namespaces);
    return layout;

 * A helper method used for merging two objects. If a key is present in both, takes the value from the first object.
 *   Values from `default_layout` will be cleanly copied over, ensuring no references or shared state.
 * Frequently used for preparing custom layouts. Both objects should be JSON-serializable.
 * @alias LayoutRegistry.merge
 * @param {object} custom_layout An object containing configuration parameters that override or add to defaults
 * @param {object} default_layout An object containing default settings.
 * @returns {object} The custom layout is modified in place and also returned from this method.
function merge(custom_layout, default_layout) {
    if (typeof custom_layout !== 'object' || typeof default_layout !== 'object') {
        throw new Error(`LocusZoom.Layouts.merge only accepts two layout objects; ${typeof custom_layout}, ${typeof default_layout} given`);
    for (let property in default_layout) {
        if (!, property)) {
        // Get types for comparison. Treat nulls in the custom layout as undefined for simplicity.
        // (javascript treats nulls as "object" when we just want to overwrite them as if they're undefined)
        // Also separate arrays from objects as a discrete type.
        let custom_type = custom_layout[property] === null ? 'undefined' : typeof custom_layout[property];
        let default_type = typeof default_layout[property];
        if (custom_type === 'object' && Array.isArray(custom_layout[property])) {
            custom_type = 'array';
        if (default_type === 'object' && Array.isArray(default_layout[property])) {
            default_type = 'array';
        // Unsupported property types: throw an exception
        if (custom_type === 'function' || default_type === 'function') {
            throw new Error('LocusZoom.Layouts.merge encountered an unsupported property type');
        // Undefined custom value: pull the default value
        if (custom_type === 'undefined') {
            custom_layout[property] = deepCopy(default_layout[property]);
        // Both values are objects: merge recursively
        if (custom_type === 'object' && default_type === 'object') {
            custom_layout[property] = merge(custom_layout[property], default_layout[property]);
    return custom_layout;

function deepCopy(item) {
    // FIXME: initial attempt to replace this with a more efficient deep clone method caused merge() to break; revisit in future.
    //   Replacing this with a proper clone would be the key blocker to allowing functions and non-JSON values (like infinity) in layout objects
    return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item));

 * Convert name to symbol
 * Layout objects accept symbol names as strings (circle, triangle, etc). Convert to symbol objects.
 * @return {object|null} An object that implements a draw method (eg d3-shape symbols or extra LZ items)
function nameToSymbol(shape) {
    if (!shape) {
        return null;
    if (shape === 'triangledown') {
        // D3 does not provide this symbol natively
        return triangledown;
    // Legend shape names are strings; need to connect this to factory. Eg circle --> d3.symbolCircle
    const factory_name = `symbol${shape.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + shape.slice(1)}`;
    return d3[factory_name] || null;

 * Find all references to namespaced fields within a layout object. This is used to validate that a set of provided
 *  data adapters will actually give all the information required to draw the plot.
 * @param {Object} layout
 * @param {Array|null} prefixes A list of allowed namespace prefixes. (used to differentiate between real fields,
 *   and random sentences that match an arbitrary pattern.
 * @param {RegExp|null} field_finder On recursive calls, pass the regexp we constructed the first time
 * @return {Set}
function findFields(layout, prefixes, field_finder = null) {
    const fields = new Set();
    if (!field_finder) {
        if (!prefixes.length) {
            // A layer that doesn't ask for external data does not need to check if the provider returns expected fields
            return fields;
        const all_ns = prefixes.join('|');

        // Locates any reference within a template string to to `ns:field`, `{{ns:field}}`, or `{{#if ns:field}}`.
        //  By knowing the list of allowed NS prefixes, we can be much more confident in avoiding spurious matches
        field_finder = new RegExp(`(?:{{)?(?:#if *)?((?:${all_ns}):\\w+)`, 'g');

    for (const value of Object.values(layout)) {
        const value_type = typeof value;
        let matches = [];
        if (value_type === 'string') {
            let a_match;
            while ((a_match = field_finder.exec(value)) !== null) {
        } else if (value !== null && value_type === 'object') {
            matches = findFields(value, prefixes, field_finder);
        } else {
            // Only look for field names in strings or compound values
        for (let m of matches) {
    return fields;

 * A utility helper for customizing one part of a pre-made layout. Whenever a primitive value is found (eg string),
 *  replaces *exact match*
 * This method works by comparing whether strings are a match. As a result, the "old" and "new" names must match
 *  whatever namespacing is used in the input layout.
 * Note: this utility *can* replace values with filters, but will not do so by default.
 * @alias LayoutRegistry.renameField
 * @param {object} layout The layout object to be transformed.
 * @param {string} old_name The old field name that will be replaced
 * @param {string} new_name The new field name that will be substituted in
 * @param {boolean} [warn_transforms=true] Sometimes, a field name is used with transforms appended, eg `label|htmlescape`.
 *   In some cases a rename could change the meaning of the field, and by default this method will print a warning to
 *   the console, encouraging the developer to check the relevant usages. This warning can be silenced via an optional function argument.
function renameField(layout, old_name, new_name, warn_transforms = true) {
    const this_type = typeof layout;
    // Handle nested types by recursion (in which case, `layout` may be something other than an object)
    if (Array.isArray(layout)) {
        return => renameField(item, old_name, new_name, warn_transforms));
    } else if (this_type === 'object' && layout !== null) {
        return Object.keys(layout).reduce(
            (acc, key) => {
                acc[key] = renameField(layout[key], old_name, new_name, warn_transforms);
                return acc;
            }, {},
    } else if (this_type !== 'string') {
        // Field names are always strings. If the value isn't a string, don't even try to change it.
        return layout;
    } else {
        // If we encounter a field we are trying to rename, then do so!
        // Rules:
        //  1. Try to avoid renaming part of a field, by checking token boundaries (field1 should not rename field1_displayvalue)
        //  2. Warn the user if filter functions are being used with the specified field, so they can audit for changes in meaning
        const escaped = old_name.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\$&');

        if (warn_transforms) {
            // Warn the user that they might be renaming, eg, `pvalue|neg_log` to `log_pvalue|neg_log`. Let them decide
            //   whether the new field name has a meaning that is compatible with the specified transforms.
            const filter_regex = new RegExp(`${escaped}\\|\\w+`, 'g');
            const filter_matches = (layout.match(filter_regex) || []);
            filter_matches.forEach((match_val) => console.warn(`renameFields is renaming a field that uses transform functions: was '${match_val}' . Verify that these transforms are still appropriate.`));

        // Find and replace any substring, so long as it is at the end of a valid token
        const regex = new RegExp(`${escaped}(?!\\w+)`, 'g');
        return layout.replace(regex, new_name);

 * Modify any and all attributes at the specified path in the object
 * @param {object} layout The layout object to be mutated
 * @param {string} selector The JSONPath-compliant selector string specifying which field(s) to change.
 *   The callback will be applied to ALL matching selectors
 *  (see Interactivity guide for syntax and limitations)
 * @param {*|function} value_or_callable The new value, or a function that receives the old value and returns a new one
 * @returns {Array}
 * @alias LayoutRegistry.mutate_attrs
function mutate_attrs(layout, selector, value_or_callable) {
    return mutate(

 * Query any and all attributes at the specified path in the object.
 *      This is mostly only useful for debugging, to verify that a particular selector matches the intended field.
 * @param {object} layout The layout object to be mutated
 * @param {string} selector The JSONPath-compliant selector string specifying which values to return. (see Interactivity guide for limits)
 * @returns {Array}
 * @alias LayoutRegistry.query_attrs
function query_attrs(layout, selector) {
    return query(layout, selector);

export { applyNamespaces, deepCopy, merge, mutate_attrs, query_attrs, nameToSymbol, findFields, renameField };