Source: ext/lz-parsers/ld.js

 * Parsers for custom user-specified LD

import {normalizeChr} from './utils';
import {normalizeMarker} from '../../helpers/parse';

 * Parse the output of plink v1.9 R2 calculations relative to one (or a few) target SNPs.
 * See: and
 * reformatting commands at
 * @function
 * @alias module:ext/lz-parsers~makePlinkLdParser
 * @param {object} options
 * @param {boolean} [options.normalize=true] Normalize fields to expected datatypes and format; if false, returns raw strings as given in the file
 * @return {function} A configured parser function that runs on one line of text from an input file
function makePlinkLdParser({normalize = true} = {}) {
    return (line) => {
        // Sample headers are below: SNP_A and SNP_B are based on ID column of the VCF
        // CHR_A   BP_A    SNP_A   CHR_B   BP_B    SNP_B   R2
        let [chromosome1, position1, variant1, chromosome2, position2, variant2, correlation] = line.trim().split('\t');
        if (normalize) {
            chromosome1 = normalizeChr(chromosome1);
            chromosome2 = normalizeChr(chromosome2);
            variant1 = normalizeMarker(variant1);
            variant2 = normalizeMarker(variant2);
            position1 = +position1;
            position2 = +position2;
            correlation = +correlation;

        return {chromosome1, position1, variant1, chromosome2, position2, variant2, correlation};

export { makePlinkLdParser };